8 reasons to go on a self-drive safari


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A self-drive safari is a unique way to explore Africa's wildlife and landscapes. Unlike a guided tour, you rent your own car and plan your itinerary, giving you more flexibility and freedom. In this post, we'll explore eight reasons why you should consider going on a self-drive safari, including the chance to see animals in their natural habitat, support conservation efforts, relax in nature, and enjoy spectacular landscapes. We'll also compare self-drive safaris to guided tours and explain why self-driving is more affordable and thrilling.

1. See Animals in Their Natural Habitat

A safari is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see animals in their natural habitat. Unlike visiting a zoo, where animals are confined to small enclosures, you can witness wildlife roaming free in their natural environment. In Africa, you can see the "Big Five" game animals, including lions, leopards, elephants, rhinoceroses, and Cape buffaloes, as well as many other species. With a self-drive safari, you can stop and observe animals for as long as you want, take photos, and enjoy the experience at your own pace.

Want to know our top tips for seeing the most animals? Read our 10 Tips to see the most animals in Kruger National Park blog

Animals in front of acacia tree overlooking Etosha Pan-Etosha National Park by TravelTaale

2. Support Conservation and Local Communities

Going on a safari is not only a fun adventure but also an opportunity to support conservation and local communities. Many parks and reserves in Africa have conservation programs that help protect endangered species and their habitats. By visiting these parks and paying entrance fees, you are supporting conservation efforts and contributing to the local economy. You can also stay in locally owned lodges and campsites, which provide employment and income for the surrounding communities.

3. Relax in Nature

A self-drive safari is a unique way to relax and unwind in nature. You can camp in the wilderness, surrounded by wildlife and natural beauty. At night, you can enjoy the peace and quiet of the bush, listen to the sounds of animals, and stargaze under the clear African skies. During the day, you can go on game drives, take guided walks, or simply relax at your campsite. In the evenings, you can sit around a campfire, sipping a glass of wine, and sharing stories with other travellers.

Lookout spot in Kruger National Park in South Africa by TravelTaale

Lookout spot in Kruger National Park - Great location for lunch

Watching the sunset and the fence in Nossob Rest Camp - Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park by TravelTaale

Watching the sunset and the fence in Nossob Rest Camp - Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park

4. Enjoy Spectacular Landscapes

Africa is home to some of the most spectacular landscapes on the planet, from vast savannas to rugged mountains, lush forests, and deserts. With a self-drive safari, you can explore these diverse landscapes and discover their beauty and uniqueness. You can drive through national parks, game reserves, and private conservancies, each with its own landscape and wildlife. You can also visit cultural and historical sites, such as ancient rock paintings and tribal villages, and learn about the local culture and traditions.

Just have a look at some of our photo diaries to see this yourself.

5. More Flexibility and Freedom

Choosing a self-drive safari means that you are not bound to a strict itinerary or schedule. This provides a level of flexibility and freedom that is not available on guided tours. With a self-drive safari, you can take your time and explore at your own pace. You can stop for as long as you like to take photos, enjoy the scenery, or simply bask in the tranquillity of nature.

Self-drive safaris also give you the freedom to start your day whenever you want. You can choose which parks or reserves to visit, which routes to take, and which activities to participate in. This level of control allows you to fully immerse yourself in the safari experience and make the most of your trip.

In addition, a self-drive safari allows you to discover hidden gems that you may not have found on a guided tour. You can venture off the beaten path and explore areas that are not commonly visited by tourists. This can lead to unique wildlife sightings and unforgettable experiences that you may have missed otherwise.

Scenery when entering Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park South Africa from Twee Rivieren by TravelTaale

Scenery when entering Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park South Africa from Twee Rivieren

6. More Affordable

A self-drive safari is generally more affordable than a guided tour, especially if you're on a tight budget. Renting a car and camping in the wilderness is much cheaper than staying in expensive lodges or hiring a hotel room.

However, it is important to note that a self-drive safari is not for everyone. It requires a certain level of planning and preparation, and you need to be comfortable with driving on rough and sometimes challenging terrain. Additionally, a self-drive safari requires you to be self-sufficient, as you will need to bring your own food, water, and camping equipment.

We wrote budget guides for the 3 main national parks that can give you insights into what to budget for a self-drive safari

7. Self-drive Safari is a Unique Way to Connect with Nature

Driving through the African savannah, watching as the sun sets over the horizon, and listening to the sounds of the wilderness is a truly magical experience. It is a chance to disconnect from the stresses of daily life and reconnect with the natural world in a way that is impossible in modern urban living. 

Moreover, when you go on a self-drive safari, you are more than just a spectator. You become an active participant in the conservation of the environment. You have the opportunity to learn about the ecosystems you are driving through and to understand the delicate balance that exists between the flora and fauna of the region.

Self-drive safaris are also an opportunity to connect with the local people, who have lived in harmony with the natural world for generations. Meeting these communities and learning about their way of life is a truly enriching experience and one that will stay with you for a lifetime.

Male lion and cub - Etosha National Park by TravelTaale

8. Self-drive Safari Provides a Sense of Accomplishment

Embarking on a self-drive safari is an adventure that requires some level of preparation, planning, and execution. It involves navigating the wilderness, spotting animals, and camping in the wild. This kind of experience gives you a sense of accomplishment that you might not get from a guided tour.

When you plan and execute your self-drive safari successfully, it instils a sense of pride and accomplishment in you. You get to experience the satisfaction of having planned, navigated and explored the wilderness on your own terms. It also gives you a sense of independence, and you get to control your schedule and itinerary. 

During your self-drive safari, you get to make decisions on where to go, which animals to spot, and how long to stay in a particular location. This freedom to make choices that affect your experience on the safari is fulfilling and creates a sense of ownership of your adventure.

Self-Drive Safari vs. Guided Tour

Now that we've explored some of the reasons to go on a self-drive safari, let's compare self-drive safaris to guided tours and explain why self-driving is more affordable and thrilling:

Self-drive safaris are usually more cost-effective than guided tours. With a self-drive, you have more control over your budget, as you can choose to camp, stay in budget-friendly lodges, and prepare your own meals. Guided tours, on the other hand, often come with higher costs due to the added expenses of transportation, accommodation, and professional guides.

Self-drive safaris provide more flexibility, as you can set your own pace and itinerary. You can stay longer at a particular location, change your route on a whim, or take a break whenever you feel like it. Guided tours have a set itinerary and schedule that you must adhere to, leaving little room for spontaneity.

With a self-drive safari, you have complete control over your experience. You can choose which animals to track and where to go, which can result in a more intimate and fulfilling experience. Guided tours often have a pre-determined schedule, and the guides decide which locations to visit, which can limit your experience.

3 Cheetahs playing on fallen tree in Kgalagadi Transfrontier park - South Africa by TravelTaale

Guided tours often come with professional guides who have extensive knowledge of the wildlife, ecosystems, and culture of the area. This knowledge can enhance your experience, as the guides can provide detailed information and answer any questions you may have. Self-drive safaris require you to do your own research and rely on your own knowledge, which may not be as extensive as that of a professional guide.

Guided tours provide a higher level of safety, as the guides are trained to handle any emergency situations that may arise. They can also provide important safety information, such as how to avoid dangerous animals and where to find medical assistance. Self-drive safaris require you to take responsibility for your own safety, which can be challenging if you are not familiar with the area or the wildlife.

Social Interaction
Guided tours often provide opportunities for social interaction with other travellers, which can be a great way to make new friends and share experiences. Self-drive safaris can be more solitary, as you are responsible for your own experience and may not have as many opportunities to meet other travellers.

Overall, both self-drive safaris and guided tours have their advantages and disadvantages. The choice between the two depends on your preferences and priorities. If you value flexibility, control, and cost-effectiveness, a self-drive safari may be the way to go. If you prefer safety, professional guidance, and social interaction, a guided tour may be a better choice.


…8 reasons to go on a self-drive safari. Going on a self-drive safari is an unforgettable experience that provides an opportunity to connect with nature, support conservation efforts, and create lifelong memories. With the freedom to create your own itinerary, stop when and where you want, and take as much time as you need to appreciate the beauty of nature, a self-drive safari is an adventure that is truly your own. Whether you are a seasoned traveller or a first-time adventurer, a self-drive safari is an experience that should be on everyone's bucket list. So why wait? Start planning your self-drive safari today and embark on a journey of a lifetime!

Want to know more about going on safari? Keep on reading the following blogs:

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8 reasons why you should go on a  self-drive safari by TravelTaale
8 reasons why you should go on a  self-drive safari by TravelTaale

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